Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Today, Cecilia and I saw yellow butterfly we think was a 'brimstone', and a 'green-veined white' - or it could have been a 'wood white'. We need to get better at this identification business.

No unusual birds today, though our regular visitors are nice and varied. Today, as every day, we have seen blackbirds, dunnocks, robins, chaffinches, blue tits and great tits, goldfinches, greenfinches, starlings, and, of course, two or three fat wood pigeons.

And there was a frog 'sunning itself' in the pond.

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Monday, April 13, 2009

Cecilia has started to look specifically for butterflies. Today she saw two Small Whites.
Spurred on by Cecilia and Sarah, I have dusted off this old Blog which I will update and then try to point out to friends and family (through Facebook?)

I intend to use it to record events and sightings in the garden - to prevent future arguments about what exact date frogspawn appeared in the pond, etc.